
Hi, my name is Artem, and this is my portfolio. It was made not only to perform my abilities or skills but to share interesting projects I had pleasure to take a part in. On a left menu You can find two tabs: ‘portfolio’ - with a short overview of some my accomplished tasks, and ‘projects’ - a few projects in details.

Here am I.

It's should be my photo there

Now, shortly about myself. I’m Ukrainian. In 2017 I’ve finished my Bachelor’s education at National Aerospace University in Ukraine and moved to China to study and explore my knowledge there. Thow years later, in 2019 I have taken two Master’s Degrees, one with magna cum laude, in Ukrainian NAU ‘KhAI’ and Chinese HIT at the same time. So now I am looking for a job opportunity to apply my talents and skills. I have knowledge in air- and spacecraft design from advanced composite materials, as well as general mechanical engineering.

My major is ‘design and construction air- and spacecraft from composite materials’. Sounds indefinite and what does it mean. Actually, I have a deep enough knowledge of basic and advance working principle of air- and spacecraft contractions, and also I have an experience in composite science. And my second major, here in China, is general mechanical engineering, specifically precision machining.

So far as concerns to my personality, I have a lot of additional skills and abilities, such as fast learning, flexibility, energetic, maturity and others, but the most important thing about myself is that I really like my field of study and I’m looking a company now, where my skills will be useful.

P.S. This portfolio is currently under construction because I’m making it by myself and my knowledge in web design is quite poor (though, I’m engineer, not a web designer) and my free time is limited, so please excuse me if you have displaying errors. I’m working on it.